۱۳۸۶ دی ۹, یکشنبه

طارق علي درباره بوتو

از بين مطلب‌هايي كه پس از ترور شوك آور بوتو خواندم نوشته طارق علي به نظرم مطلب خوبي آمد، به رغم اين‌كه معمولاً زياد نوشته‌هايش را دوست ندارم. مطلب علي علاوه بر اين كه به نظرم منصفانه آمد، حاوي بصيرت‌هايي هم بود. خصوصاً در اين پاراگراف اوايل متن كه عنوان هم از آن آمده؛

An odd coexistence of military despotism and anarchy created the conditions leading to her assassination in Rawalpindi yesterday. In the past, military rule was designed to preserve order - and did so for a few years. No longer. Today it creates disorder and promotes lawlessness. How else can one explain the sacking of the chief justice and eight other judges of the country's supreme court for attempting to hold the government's intelligence agencies and the police accountable to courts of law? Their replacements lack the backbone to do anything, let alone conduct a proper inquest into the misdeeds of the agencies to uncover the truth behind the carefully organised killing of a major political leader

و در آخر هم باز به نظرم "پيشنهاد" سياسي نوميدانه‌اش است كه خالي از دگم‌هاي معمول چپ هم هست و اتفاقاً ارزشش به اين است كه از زبان آدمي اهل پاكستان بيرون مي‌آيد؛

It is difficult to imagine any good coming out of this tragedy, but there is one possibility. Pakistan desperately needs a political party that can speak for the social needs of a bulk of the people. The People's party founded by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was built by the activists of the only popular mass movement the country has known: students, peasants and workers who fought for three months in 1968-69 to topple the country's first military dictator. They saw it as their party, and that feeling persists in some parts of the country to this day, despite everything

Benazir's horrific death should give her colleagues pause for reflection. To be dependent on a person or a family may be necessary at certain times, but it is a structural weakness, not a strength for a political organisation. The People's party needs to be refounded as a modern and democratic organisation, open to honest debate and discussion, defending social and human rights, uniting the many disparate groups and individuals in Pakistan desperate for any halfway decent alternative, and coming forward with concrete proposals to stabilise occupied and war-torn Afghanistan. This can and should be done. The Bhutto family should not be asked for any more sacrifices

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Anonymous گفت...

pas matlabesho dar London Review of book ham bekhoonid.

Anonymous گفت...
